This week, WTA, ITTA, and USTelecom met with Wireline Competition Bureau staff, and the offices of Commissioner Ajit Pai and Commissioner Mike O’Rielly to urge the FCC to refrain from expanding the E-rate program for achieving High-Cost and Lifeline program … Continue reading “WTA Discusses E-rate and Broadband Availability and Affordability at the FCC”
WTA Discusses E-rate and Broadband Availability and Affordability at the FCC
/in Filing /by ekeberThis week, WTA, ITTA, and USTelecom met with Wireline Competition Bureau staff, and the offices of Commissioner Ajit Pai and Commissioner Mike O’Rielly to urge the FCC to refrain from expanding the E-rate program for achieving High-Cost and Lifeline program … Continue reading “WTA Discusses E-rate and Broadband Availability and Affordability at the FCC”
WTA Urges FCC to Implement ACAM Before End of Year
/in Filing /by ekeberOn Dec. 8, WTA sent a letter to the FCC urging it to implement A-CAM “in whole or in part” by the end of 2016. WTA writes that “the numerous companies electing A-CAM support urge the Commission and Bureau to … Continue reading “WTA Urges FCC to Implement ACAM Before End of Year”
WTA Files Oppositions to AT&T Forbearance Petition
/in Filing /by ekeberOn December 2, WTA and ERTA filed jointly in opposition to a petition for forbearance filed by AT&T in which it seeks to avoid paying access charges to certain RLECs allegedly engaging in “access stimulation.” WTA and ERTA object to … Continue reading “WTA Files Oppositions to AT&T Forbearance Petition”
Rural Associations Urge FCC to Waive Lifeline Standalone Broadband Requirement
/in Filing /by ekeberWTA and NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association filed a letter urging the FCC to waive the requirement for high-cost ETCs to offer standalone broadband service to their Lifeline customers due to the continuing higher retail costs for standalone broadband. Without such … Continue reading “Rural Associations Urge FCC to Waive Lifeline Standalone Broadband Requirement”
WTA Praises Introduction of Legislation Expanding Broadband Grants in Rural America
/in Press Release /by ekeberWASHINGTON, D.C. (November 17, 2016) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband praises Representatives Mark Pocan (D-WI) and Elise Stefanik (R-NY) for introducing the Broadband Connections for Rural Opportunities Program (B-CROP) Act. B-CROP would expand the Broadband Loan Program administered … Continue reading “WTA Praises Introduction of Legislation Expanding Broadband Grants in Rural America”
WTA Recommends FCC Fully Fund Companies Selecting A-CAM
/in Filing /by ekeberYesterday, WTA filed a letter with the FCC in response to the Commission’s Public Notice soliciting ideas for addressing the over subscription of the Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM). WTA recommends fully funding ACAM at the $200 per location benchmark … Continue reading “WTA Recommends FCC Fully Fund Companies Selecting A-CAM”
Rural Associations Request FCC to Waive Lifeline Standalone Broadband Requirement
/in Filing /by ekeberWTA and NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association have requested the FCC to waive a requirement adopted in the Lifeline Modernization Order that eligible telecommunications carriers receiving high-cost support offer standalone broadband service to their Lifeline customers. Despite substantial reforms to the … Continue reading “Rural Associations Request FCC to Waive Lifeline Standalone Broadband Requirement”