WTA Files Unsubsidzed Competitor Form With FCC

On October 24, WTA filed a proposed form with instructions that wireline and fixed wireless competitors could use to provide sufficient information to demonstrate that they fulfill the requirements of the March 2016 USF Reform Order to be deemed unsubsidized … Continue reading “WTA Files Unsubsidzed Competitor Form With FCC”

WTA Discusses New Broadband Privacy and Data Security Rules at the FCC

Last week WTA, 3 Rivers, USConnect, and Wheat State Telephone met with Commissioners’ staff to discuss new CPNI and data security rules for broadband providers. WTA urged the Commission to retain the ability for ISPs to use publicly available information … Continue reading “WTA Discusses New Broadband Privacy and Data Security Rules at the FCC”

WTA Praises Introduction of Legislation Expanding Broadband Grants in Rural America

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 28, 2016) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband praises Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Kirsten Gillebrand (D-NY) for introducing the Broadband Connections for Rural Opportunities Program (B-CROP) Act. B-CROP would expand the Broadband Loan Program … Continue reading “WTA Praises Introduction of Legislation Expanding Broadband Grants in Rural America”

WTA Meets with Wireline Bureau and Commissioner Staff on Standards for Competitive Overlap

On September 20, representatives from WTA and WTA member companies met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and Chairman Wheeler’s office, as well as staff from the offices Commissioners O’Rielly, Rosenworcel, and Clyburn. The discussion focused on a … Continue reading “WTA Meets with Wireline Bureau and Commissioner Staff on Standards for Competitive Overlap”

WTA Praises House Energy and Commerce Committee for Passing H.R. 2566

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 21, 2016) – WTA–Advocates for Rural Broadband praises the House Energy and Commerce Committee for passing H.R. 2566, the Improving Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act, introduced by Rep. David Young (R-IA) and cosponsored by Communications and … Continue reading “WTA Praises House Energy and Commerce Committee for Passing H.R. 2566”

WTA Meets with Commissioner Pai’s staff on Competitive Overlap Provisions

On September 11, representatives from WTA member companies and WTA staff met with Nick Degani, wireline advisor to FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai, to discuss evidence that cable, fixed wireline, and wireless competitors must produce in order to be considered … Continue reading “WTA Meets with Commissioner Pai’s staff on Competitive Overlap Provisions”

WTA Praises House Communications and Technology Subcommittee for Passing H.R. 2566

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 13, 2016) – WTA–Advocates for Rural Broadband praises the House Communications and Technology Subcommittee for passing H.R. 2566, the Improving Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act, introduced by Rep. David Young (R-IA) and cosponsored by Communications and … Continue reading “WTA Praises House Communications and Technology Subcommittee for Passing H.R. 2566”