WTA Files Reply Comments to Great Plains Waiver Petition

Today, WTA filed reply comments in the proceeding to evaluate the Petition for Waiver filed by Great Plains Communications. In its original filing, WTA expressed concerns that grant of Great Plains’ waiver petition, as well as the likely stream … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments to Great Plains Waiver Petition”

WTA Applauds Senate Passage of S. 96, the Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act    

WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 4, 2017) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband applauds Senate passage of S. 96, the Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act of 2017 yesterday. The legislation would require all intermediate providers of voice communications services to … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Senate Passage of S. 96, the Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act    ”

WTA Files Response to Great Plains Petition for Waiver of Certain FCC Rules

On July 28, WTA filed comments in response to a Petition from Great Plains Communications asking for a waiver of particular FCC rules to permit it to utilize actual interstate switched access revenues in establishing rates and calculating revenues eligible … Continue reading “WTA Files Response to Great Plains Petition for Waiver of Certain FCC Rules”

WTA Files Comments In Open Internet Proceeding

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom proceeding arguing that “whether the national broadband network is classified and regulated under Title I or Title II, it requires appropriate and economically feasible broadband interconnection and middle mile transport … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments In Open Internet Proceeding”

WTA Files Comments on Local Voice Service Rate Floor

On July 10, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s NPRM on the local voice service rate floor. WTA believes that the Section 54.318 rate floor is inequitable and unnecessary, and that its costs increasingly outweigh its intended benefits.

Continue reading “WTA Files Comments on Local Voice Service Rate Floor”

WTA and NTCA Support Petition to Allow Certain RLECs to Elect Price-Cap Regulation for BDS Services

On July 6, WTA and NTCA expressed support for a Petition submitted to the FCC by ITTA and USTelecom to permit ILECs that have elected to receive high-cost federal USF support via model-based distribution mechanisms – either RLECs electing the … Continue reading “WTA and NTCA Support Petition to Allow Certain RLECs to Elect Price-Cap Regulation for BDS Services”

WTA Board Member Dave Osborn Testifies at House Subcommittee Hearing

Yesterday, WTA Board Member Dave Osborn from VTX1 in Raymondville, TX testified at the House Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Agriculture, Energy and Trade on the importance of improving broadband solutions for rural America. A copy of this written testimony … Continue reading “WTA Board Member Dave Osborn Testifies at House Subcommittee Hearing”