Over the past couple of weeks, WTA’s leadership has closely monitored the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), news reports, as well as information provided by other expert sources regarding coronavirus (COVID-19). WTA’s primary focus … Continue reading “WTA CANCELS ITS SPRING EDUCATIONAL FORUM OUT OF SAFETY FOR ITS ATTENDEES”
WTA Endorses FCC Chairman Pai’s Keep America Connected Pledge
/in Press Release /by wtaadvocatesWASHINGTON, D.C. (March 16, 2020) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband endorses the pledge announced last week by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to keep Americans connected to vital telecommunications services during possible disruptions due to the coronavirus pandemic.
/in Announcements, Events, Press Release /by wtaadvocatesOver the past couple of weeks, WTA’s leadership has closely monitored the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), news reports, as well as information provided by other expert sources regarding coronavirus (COVID-19). WTA’s primary focus … Continue reading “WTA CANCELS ITS SPRING EDUCATIONAL FORUM OUT OF SAFETY FOR ITS ATTENDEES”
WTA Monitors COVID-19 Leading Up To Its Spring Educational Forum
/in Announcements, Events, WTA News /by wtaadvocatesMarch 6, 2020 – The severity of the illness or how many people will fall ill from COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is unknown at this time. But please know that the WTA Board and staff takes its members’ health and safety very … Continue reading “WTA Monitors COVID-19 Leading Up To Its Spring Educational Forum”
WTA Discusses Lifeline RAD Petition with Wireline Competition Bureau
/in Filing /by wtaadvocatesOn February 19th, WTA met with Wireline Competition Bureau staff to discuss its recently filed Petition for Reconsideration that requested the Commission reconsider placing the same Universal Service Administrative Company Lifeline Representative Accountability Database registration requirements on Lifeline enrollment representatives … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Lifeline RAD Petition with Wireline Competition Bureau”
WTA Files Comments in Supply Chain Proceeding
/in Filing /by wtaadvocatesOn February 3, WTA filed comments in response to the Commission’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in its supply chain proceeding. WTA reiterated that any funding for a reimbursement program for covered equipment should come from a Congressional appropriation and … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments in Supply Chain Proceeding”
WTA Files Petition for Reconsideration on Lifeline RAD
/in Filing /by wtaadvocatesOn January 27th, WTA filed a Petition for Reconsideration requesting that the Commission reconsider its decision to apply the same registration requirements to enrollment representatives directly employed by facilities-based ETCs despite the lack of evidence of waste, fraud, and abuse … Continue reading “WTA Files Petition for Reconsideration on Lifeline RAD”
WTA Joins Other Trade Associations in Asking FCC to Modify Letter of Credit Requirements for RDOF
/in Filing /by wtaadvocatesToday, seven trade associations representing various broadband providers, including WTA, sent a letter to the FCC asking for modifications to the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) draft rules regarding letters of credit. The letter warns that if modifications to the … Continue reading “WTA Joins Other Trade Associations in Asking FCC to Modify Letter of Credit Requirements for RDOF”