WTA Discusses Draft Network Testing Order with FCC

Last week, representatives from WTA and its member companies met with staff from the offices of Chairman Pai and Commissioners Carr, Rosenworcel, and Starks.

In the meetings, WTA reiterated its support for performance testing that fairly and accurately measures speed … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Draft Network Testing Order with FCC”

WTA Files Reply Comments in Mapping Proceeding

On October 7, WTA filed reply comments in the Commission’s Digital Opportunity Data Collection proceeding. In the filing, WTA again advocated for a challenge process that should occur before any decisions are made in regards to eligibility for funding. WTA … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments in Mapping Proceeding”

WTA Discusses Network Testing, RDOF and Broadband Mapping with FCC

On September 24, representatives from WTA met staff for Commissioners O’Reilly and Carr to discuss broadband network testing, the proposed Rural Digital Opportunities Fund (RDOF), and broadband mapping.

Regarding testing, WTA expressed concerns that an FCC Order responding to the … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Network Testing, RDOF and Broadband Mapping with FCC”

WTA Files Comments in Mapping Proceeding

On September 23, WTA filed comments in the Commission’s Digital Opportunity Data Collection proceeding. WTA advised the Commission that collecting more granular broadband data is an effective tool for closing the digital divide. However, WTA noted that the Commission must … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments in Mapping Proceeding”

WTA Files Comments on Rural Digital Opportunity Fund

On September 20, WTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to create the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. In its comments, WTA stated that the “CAF Phase II Auction procedures that were previously employed in a

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WTA Files Letter with FCC on Access Stimulation

On September 18, WTA sent a letter to the FCC  stating that while it agrees with the FCC’s efforts to target specific access stimulation abuses and to defend the integrity of the intercarrier compensation system, it notes that the proposed

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WTA Elects New Officers, Executive Committee and Board Members

On September 12, WTA issued a press release regarding elections of new officers, members of its Executive Committee and Board of Directors.… Continue reading “WTA Elects New Officers, Executive Committee and Board Members”