Over the past couple of weeks, WTA’s leadership has closely monitored the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), news reports, as well as information provided by other expert sources regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).  WTA’s primary focus … Continue reading “WTA CANCELS ITS SPRING EDUCATIONAL FORUM OUT OF SAFETY FOR ITS ATTENDEES”

WTA Supports FCC Action on Suicide Prevention

WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 13, 2019) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband supports the effort by the FCC to create an easy-to-use suicide hotline with the passage of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking this week. The following statement can be … Continue reading “WTA Supports FCC Action on Suicide Prevention”

WTA Supports Delay in Network Testing and Hopes FCC Will Address Problems in Testing Regime Should They Materialize

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 25, 2019) – This morning, the FCC approved an Order on Reconsideration regarding its network performance testing rules approved last year. WTA was one of several entities that asked the FCC to revise its testing regime. The … Continue reading “WTA Supports Delay in Network Testing and Hopes FCC Will Address Problems in Testing Regime Should They Materialize”

WTA Elects New Officers, Executive Committee and Board Members

On September 12, WTA issued a press release regarding elections of new officers, members of its Executive Committee and Board of Directors.… Continue reading “WTA Elects New Officers, Executive Committee and Board Members”

WTA Praises Passage of Farm Bill Broadband Programs

WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 12, 2018) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband praises Congress for passing the Farm Bill this week, which contains important provisions that will spur broadband growth in rural America. Among other thing, the bill provides the

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WTA Applauds FCC Action of USF High Cost Program Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 12, 2018) – The following statement can be attributed to Derrick Owens, Senior Vice President of Government & Industry Affairs for WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband:

“WTA applauds the FCC for approving an Order today that

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WTA Urges Congress to Allocate Specific Infrastructure Funding for Rural Broadband

In advance of the Senate Commerce Committee hearings on infrastructure this week, WTA released the following statement.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 12, 2018) – The following statement can be attributed to Derrick Owens, Senior Vice President of Government & Industry

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