Press Release: FCC Proposals Risk Backsliding on Rural Broadband

Today, WTA and OPASTCO released a statement urging the FCC to choose long-term solutions to ensure ubiquitous broadband availability in its National Broadband Plan.  The press release can be viewed here.Continue reading “Press Release: FCC Proposals Risk Backsliding on Rural Broadband”

WTA Congratulates USDA’s Rural Utilities Service on 60 Years of Service to Rural America

Today, WTA issued this press release congratulating RUS on its 60th Anniversary.… Continue reading “WTA Congratulates USDA’s Rural Utilities Service on 60 Years of Service to Rural America”

WTA Elects New Officers and Board of Directors

Bruce Todd takes the Gavel

HELENA, MONTANA – OCTOBER 7, 2009 – Western Telecommunications Alliance (WTA) is pleased to announce the election of its new officers for the coming two years: Bruce Todd, CEO Strata Networks in Roosevelt, UT as President; Jim Woody, … Continue reading “WTA Elects New Officers and Board of Directors”

WTA Awards “Jack H. Rhyner Award” to Jack W. Keen

Jack Keen, David ArvigHELENA, MONTANA – WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2009 Western Telecommunications Alliance (WTA) announced at its recent fall annual meeting that Jack W. Keen of Western New Mexico Telephone Company, Silver City, New Mexico was awarded the Jack H Rhyner Award Continue reading “WTA Awards “Jack H. Rhyner Award” to Jack W. Keen”

NTIA-RUS Announce Agendas for Public Meetings on Broadband Initiatives

pdfreleasebroadbandinitiatives031309Continue reading “NTIA-RUS Announce Agendas for Public Meetings on Broadband Initiatives”

WTA Board Member, Mark Gailey, Testifies at House Subcommittee Hearing on USF Reform


releaseusfhearinggailey0312092Continue reading “WTA Board Member, Mark Gailey, Testifies at House Subcommittee Hearing on USF Reform”