Rural Groups Hail Senate Letter on National Broadband Plan

WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA praised Senator Dorgan and 21 other Senators in a press release for sending a letter to the FCC in support of rural America as it considers the National Broadband Plan.

The press release can be found … Continue reading “Rural Groups Hail Senate Letter on National Broadband Plan”

WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA Applaud Congressional Letter to FCC

On May 28th, WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA hailed Reps. Sam Graves (R-MO), Betsy Markey (D-CO) and 38 other members of the House of Representatives for voicing their concerns about the potential negative impact of the FCC’s National Broadband Plan (NBP) … Continue reading “WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA Applaud Congressional Letter to FCC”

WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA Warn Congress about Effects of NBP

On May 3, 2010, WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA issued a press release coinciding with a letter urging Congress to request that the FCC alter its proposed National Broadband Plan to prevent a digital divide.  The release can be found hereContinue reading “WTA, OPASTCO and NTCA Warn Congress about Effects of NBP”

WTA Responds to Release of Broadband Plan

WTA issued the following press release earlier today in regard to the FCC’s release of Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan.

WTA Press ReleaseContinue reading “WTA Responds to Release of Broadband Plan”

Press Release: FCC Proposals Risk Backsliding on Rural Broadband

Today, WTA and OPASTCO released a statement urging the FCC to choose long-term solutions to ensure ubiquitous broadband availability in its National Broadband Plan.  The press release can be viewed here.Continue reading “Press Release: FCC Proposals Risk Backsliding on Rural Broadband”

WTA Congratulates USDA’s Rural Utilities Service on 60 Years of Service to Rural America

Today, WTA issued this press release congratulating RUS on its 60th Anniversary.… Continue reading “WTA Congratulates USDA’s Rural Utilities Service on 60 Years of Service to Rural America”