WTA Applauds Introduction of the “Improving Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act’’

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 23, 2015) – WTA-Advocates for Rural Broadband applauds Senators Amy Klobuchar (MN) and Jon Tester (MT) for introducing the Improving Rural Quality and Reliability Act of 2015. The legislation directs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to address

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WTA Congratulates Ed Buchanan’s Election to Chair NECA Board

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 14, 2015) – WTA-Advocates for Rural Broadband congratulates Ed Buchanan of Interstate Communications located in Truro, Iowa on his election as Chairman of the Board of the National Exchange Carrier Association.

In addition, WTA applauds the selection … Continue reading “WTA Congratulates Ed Buchanan’s Election to Chair NECA Board”

WTA Applauds Elimination of QRA and Reinstatement of Safety Net Additive Support

WASHINGTON, D.C. – WTA applauds the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) unanimous decision today to eliminate the quantile regression analysis (QRA), which had been used to unpredictably cap and cut Universal Service Fund support to rural local exchange carriers (RLECs).

“We’re … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Elimination of QRA and Reinstatement of Safety Net Additive Support”

WTA Applauds Latta-Welch Resolution on Rural Call Completion

WTA applauds Representatives Bob Latta (OH) and Peter Welch (VT), Co-Chairs of the House Rural Telecommunications Working Group, for introducing a bipartisan resolution that expresses support for the common sense idea that voice calls to rural areas should be completed … Continue reading “WTA Applauds Latta-Welch Resolution on Rural Call Completion”

WTA Applauds FCC’s Action on Reforming Retransmission Consent Rules

WTA applauds the FCC for adopting rules that prohibit joint negotiations by broadcast stations with different owners. “WTA welcomes the FCC’s common sense action today in prohibiting unfair negotiation arrangements between broadcast stations with different owners,” said Derrick Owens, WTA’s … Continue reading “WTA Applauds FCC’s Action on Reforming Retransmission Consent Rules”

WTA Applauds Senator Johnson’s Bill to Address Problems of Rural Call Completion

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 13, 2014) – WTA applauds Senator Tim Johnson (SD) for introducing the Public Safety and Economic Security Communications Act of 2014, which would strengthen the ability of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to address problems with voice

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WTA Congratulates Chris Nelson on Appointment to Chair NARUC’s Telecommunications Committee

WTA congratulates South Dakota Public Utilities Commission’s Vice Chairman Chris Nelson on his appointment to serve as Chair of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioner’s (NARUC) Telecommunications Committee.

“Through NARUC, state public utility commissions provide a vital voice in … Continue reading “WTA Congratulates Chris Nelson on Appointment to Chair NARUC’s Telecommunications Committee”