WTA Urges FCC to End Current Extension of Rules for STIR/SHAKEN Compliance

On December 12, WTA responded to the FCC’s Notice of Inquiry on caller ID authentication for non-IP networks.  In its comments to the FCC, WTA urges it to terminate the continuing extension in Sections 64.6303(a) and 64.6304(d) of the

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WTA Discusses CAF-BLS Modernization with FCC

On Nov. 2, representatives from WTA met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Economics and Analytics, to discuss the need for continuing and updated CAF-BLS and budget control mechanism (BCM) relief to complete the ongoing … Continue reading “WTA Discusses CAF-BLS Modernization with FCC”

WTA Discusses Modernization of ACAM and CAF-BLS/HCLS USF Mechanisms With FCC

This week, WTA met with staff from the offices of FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and Commissioners Brendan Carr, Nathan Simington, and Geoffrey Starks to discuss the pending Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model rulemaking, as well as the need for … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Modernization of ACAM and CAF-BLS/HCLS USF Mechanisms With FCC”

WTA Urges FCC to Extend and Enhance Current ACAM/CAF-BLS Mechanisms

On August 18, representatives from WTA met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Economics and Analytics to discuss the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the ACAM Broadband Coalition proceeding. WTA urged the FCC to move

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WTA Replies to Comments in Enhanced ACAM Proceeding

On August 1, WTA responded to comments filed in the FCC’s proceeding on the ACAM Broadband Coalition’s proposal to update the USF ACAM program.  In its comments, WTA reasserted that the FCC should adopt the Coalition’s proposal prior to implementation … Continue reading “WTA Replies to Comments in Enhanced ACAM Proceeding”

WTA Supports ACAM Coalition “Enhanced ACAM” Proposal

Today, WTA responded to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comment on the ACAM Broadband Coalition proposal to modify the existing Alternative Connect America Model (ACAM) mechanisms to offer an additional voluntary Enhanced ACAM option.  The Coalition proposes … Continue reading “WTA Supports ACAM Coalition “Enhanced ACAM” Proposal”

In Reply Comments, WTA Reiterates Opposition to Proposed USAC E-Rate Portal

Today, WTA submitted reply comments to the FCC in response to its NPRM proposing the creation a portal managed by the Universal Service Administrative Company through which bid responses to FCC Form 470 would be submitted. In its initial commentsContinue reading “In Reply Comments, WTA Reiterates Opposition to Proposed USAC E-Rate Portal”