WTA joins NECA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA in Filing Comments on Separations

On April 29th, WTA, NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA filed a response to a request for comments from the Federal-State Joint Board on Separations on a proposal for “interim adjustments to jurisdictional separations allocation factors and category relationships, pending comprehensive … Continue reading “WTA joins NECA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA in Filing Comments on Separations”

WTA Joins NECA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA in Filing Comments Regarding Separations Freeze

On April 19th, WTA and other organizations representing rural telecommunications companies recommended that the FCC freeze Part 36 category relationships and jurisdictional cost allocation factors.  The organizations recommended extending the freeze at least one year following issuance of Commission orders … Continue reading “WTA Joins NECA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA in Filing Comments Regarding Separations Freeze”

WTA Joins NTCA, OPASTCO, ITTA, ACA and USTelecom in Opposing Petition to Publicly Release Form 477 Data

On February 22nd, Free Press petitioned the FCC to allow it and the public to view the propriety data submitted in Form 477 by broadband providers.  On April 19th, WTA and the other organizations responded by opposing the petition due … Continue reading “WTA Joins NTCA, OPASTCO, ITTA, ACA and USTelecom in Opposing Petition to Publicly Release Form 477 Data”

WTA Submits Reply Comments on National Broadband Plan

Today, WTA submitted reply comments to the FCC summarizing the association’s earlier comments on various portions of the National Broadband Plan under development at the agency.  The comments can be found here.… Continue reading “WTA Submits Reply Comments on National Broadband Plan”

WTA Submits Reply Comments in Opposition to NCTA’s Petition for Rulemaking

WTA’s Reply CommentsContinue reading “WTA Submits Reply Comments in Opposition to NCTA’s Petition for Rulemaking”

WTA Submits Comments in Opposition to NCTA Petition for Rulemaking

This afternoon, WTA submitted comments to the FCC in opposition to the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA) petition for rulemaking to restructure the Universal Service Fund.  WTA’s comments recommend that the FCC “reject NCTA’s unwarranted and unsupported attempt to … Continue reading “WTA Submits Comments in Opposition to NCTA Petition for Rulemaking”

WTA Comments on Role of USF and ICC in the National Broadband Plan

Role of USF and ICC in National Broadband PlanContinue reading “WTA Comments on Role of USF and ICC in the National Broadband Plan”