WTA, Allies File Comments on Outage Reporting

Today, WTA, NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA filed comments at the FCC stating that VoIP providers should be subject to the same service outrage reporting standards as other voice service providers.  The associations also stated that the FCC should not … Continue reading “WTA, Allies File Comments on Outage Reporting”

WTA, NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA File Comments on FCC’s “Third Way” for Broadband Regulation

Today, WTA joined NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA in filing comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Inquiry requesting comments on three potential approached for the legal framework for regulation of broadband Internet service.  The comments can be found … Continue reading “WTA, NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA File Comments on FCC’s “Third Way” for Broadband Regulation”

WTA, Allies File Comments on NBP NPRM/NOI

WTA, along with NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA, and the Rural Alliance filed comments with the FCC regarding its Notice of Proposed Rule Making and Notice of Inquiry on the National Broadband Plan.  38 state telecom associations “concurred” with the comments.  The … Continue reading “WTA, Allies File Comments on NBP NPRM/NOI”

WTA, NTCA File Comments Opposing NBC-Comcast Merger

On June 21, 2010, WTA and NTCA filed joint comments opposing the NBC-Comcast merger.  The two associations recommend several conditions be placed on the merger should the FCC consider approving it.  The comments can be found here.… Continue reading “WTA, NTCA File Comments Opposing NBC-Comcast Merger”

WTA and Allies Comment on Waivers for IPTV Providers

Today, WTA, OPASTCO, NTCA, ITTA and RICA filed comments at the FCC in support of an OPASTCO/NTCA petition for a waiver for IPTV providers of proposed rules meant to ensure that security elements are separate from the basic navigation devices.  … Continue reading “WTA and Allies Comment on Waivers for IPTV Providers”

WTA, OPASTCO, NTCA, ITTA and RICA File Comments on Retransmission Consent

On May 18, 2010, WTA, OPASTCO, NTCA, ITTA and RICA filed comments at the FCC in response to its Public Notice on a petition requesting that the FCC institute a proceeding to amend and supplement its retransmission consent rules.  WTA … Continue reading “WTA, OPASTCO, NTCA, ITTA and RICA File Comments on Retransmission Consent”

WTA and Others File Comments on E-Rate

On May 14, 2010, WTA and other associations and telecommunications companies filed comments at the FCC in response to a petition for declaratory ruling filed by US Telecom and CTIA.  US Telecom and CTIA had requested that the FCC clarify … Continue reading “WTA and Others File Comments on E-Rate”