WTA Comments on FCC’s Lifeline Modernization and Reform Efforts

WTA submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission in response to its Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking input on reforms to the Universal Service Fund’s Lifeline program, including expanding the program to include broadband services as Lifeline services. … Continue reading “WTA Comments on FCC’s Lifeline Modernization and Reform Efforts”

ILEC Associations Send Letter to FCC on Capital Budget Mechanism

On August 31, NECA, WTA, USTelecom, NTCA, ITTA and ERTA sent a letter to the FCC proposing a modification in their proposed Capital Budget Mechanism that would ensure a greater proportion of USF support would be directed towards areas where … Continue reading “ILEC Associations Send Letter to FCC on Capital Budget Mechanism”

WTA Files Comments on Video Competition

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC in response to the Media’ Bureau’s annual inquiry into the status of video competition. WTA reminded the FCC that in addition to the challenges of providing video services in high cost areas, they … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments on Video Competition”

RLEC Associations Meet With FCC to Discuss USF Reform

On August 6, representatives from USTelecom, ITTA, NTCA and WTA met with staff from the FCC to discuss “technical assumptions for a preliminary bifurcated approach as has been suggested by the FCC in prior Public Notices.”… Continue reading “RLEC Associations Meet With FCC to Discuss USF Reform”

Rural Associations File Letter on A-CAM With FCC

Today, NECA, WTA and NTCA sent a letter to the FCC in response the FCC’s recent Public Notice on the Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM). In their letter, the associations express appreciation for “the visibility provided by this Public Notice … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Letter on A-CAM With FCC”

WTA Supports Extending Small Provider Exemption to Open Internet Enhanced Transparency Requirements

Today, WTA filed comments in support of permanently extending the exemption from the FCC’s enhanced transparency requirements adopted in the 2015 Open Internet Order for small broadband service providers serving fewer than 100,000 connections.  WTA urged that small providers already … Continue reading “WTA Supports Extending Small Provider Exemption to Open Internet Enhanced Transparency Requirements”

WTA Discusses “Two-Path” Approach to USF Reform With Commissioner Rosenworcel’s Office

On August 3, representatives from WTA met with staff from Commissioner Rosenworcel’s office to discuss the two-path approach to reforming USF distributions for rate-of-return carriers. The two paths include a voluntary A-CAM and a rate-of-return option.… Continue reading “WTA Discusses “Two-Path” Approach to USF Reform With Commissioner Rosenworcel’s Office”