WTA Meets With Commission Staff to Discuss Reducing Regulatory Burdens

On March 29, representatives from WTA met with Diane Cornell, Special Counsel to Chairman Tom Wheeler, to discuss reform and reduction of reporting requirements for RLECs.… Continue reading “WTA Meets With Commission Staff to Discuss Reducing Regulatory Burdens”

WTA Discusses Lifeline Modernization and Reform with FCC

Last week, WTA and NTCA met with FCC staff and advisors to Commissioners O’Rielly, Clyburn, Pai, Rosenworcel and Wheeler to discuss impending reforms to the Lifeline universal service program. The Rural Representatives reiterated the need for coordination … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Lifeline Modernization and Reform with FCC”

WTA Meets with FCC Staff on Tribal Broadband Factor

On March 15, representatives from WTA and WTA member companies met with staff from FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel’s and O’Rielly’s office to discuss the adoption of a Tribal Broadband Factor in connection with ongoing efforts to revise federal high-cost support for … Continue reading “WTA Meets with FCC Staff on Tribal Broadband Factor”

WTA Discusses Tribal Broadband at FCC

On March 10, representatives from WTA met with staff from Commissioner Mignon Clyburn’s office to discuss the National Tribal Telecommunications Association’s proposed Tribal Broadband Factor. WTA indicated that it supports adoption of a Tribal Broadband Factor in connection with ongoing … Continue reading “WTA Discusses Tribal Broadband at FCC”

WTA Members Discuss Retransmission Consent Reform with the FCC’s Media Bureau

On Tuesday, Feb. 9, WTA, Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company and Interstate Communications met with the Commission’s Media Bureau to discuss their experiences negotiating for retransmission consent with local commercial broadcast stations in their rural service areas.  WTA, NNTC, and Interstate … Continue reading “WTA Members Discuss Retransmission Consent Reform with the FCC’s Media Bureau”

WTA Discusses USF Reforms with FCC Staff

On Feb. 2, representatives from WTA met with staff from the offices of FCC Chairman Wheeler, Commissioners O’Rielly and Clyburn and the Wireline Competition Bureau. They also met with staff from the offices of Commissioners Rosenworcel and Pai separately.

In … Continue reading “WTA Discusses USF Reforms with FCC Staff”

WTA Discusses USF Reforms with Wireline Bureau Staff

On January 28, representatives from WTA discussed the proposed reforms to the USF High Cost Fund with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau, focusing particularly on the build-out requirements for RLECs that choose either the model-based option or to … Continue reading “WTA Discusses USF Reforms with Wireline Bureau Staff”