WTA Proposal to Certify Unsubsidized Competitors for USF

Today, WTA sent a letter to the FCC following up on a meeting last month in which the Wireline Competition Bureau asked WTA to propose a method by which entities could prove that they are a bona fide “unsubsidized competitor” … Continue reading “WTA Proposal to Certify Unsubsidized Competitors for USF”

WTA Asks FCC to Reduce MVPD Reporting Burdens

Today, WTA filed comments urging the FCC to adopt its proposal to eliminate reporting requirements relating to cable system principal headend locations. Requiring MVPDs to disclose information only upon request to regulators and local broadcast stations will reduce reporting burdens … Continue reading “WTA Asks FCC to Reduce MVPD Reporting Burdens”

WTA Meets with Wireline Competition Bureau to Discuss Petition for Reconsideration of USF Order

On July 7, representatives from WTA met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss WTA’s Petition for Reconsideration of aspects of the USF Reform Order released in March.

Specifically, WTA discussed strengthening the definition of an “unsubsidized … Continue reading “WTA Meets with Wireline Competition Bureau to Discuss Petition for Reconsideration of USF Order”

WTA Files Reply Comments on FCC Broadband Privacy and Data Security Proposals

Today, WTA filed replies to comments in the record regarding the FCC’s proposals on privacy and data security for broadband providers. Reiterating its initial comments, WTA again urged the Commission to adopt exemptions tailored for small providers that lack the … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments on FCC Broadband Privacy and Data Security Proposals”

Rural Associations Seek Reconsideration of Certain Changes to the Lifeline Program

Today, WTA and NTCA filed a joint petition for reconsideration and/or clarification of certain aspects of the reforms adopted in the FCC’s Report and Order expanding the Lifeline program to include support for broadband service. The Rural Associations seek reconsideration … Continue reading “Rural Associations Seek Reconsideration of Certain Changes to the Lifeline Program”

WTA Meets with Commissioner Staff to Discuss USF Reforms, Set-top Box Proposal and Other Video Issues

This week, representatives from WTA staff and member telcos met with staff from four FCC Commissioner offices to discuss the recent reforms to the Universal Service Fund and how the reforms will affect decision-making by rate-of-return telcos. The notice of Continue reading “WTA Meets with Commissioner Staff to Discuss USF Reforms, Set-top Box Proposal and Other Video Issues”

WTA Files Reply Comments on USF FNPRM and Tribal Plan

Today, WTA filed reply comments with the FCC in regards to the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Universal Service Fund Reform released in March. WTA’s comments reiterate its support for sufficient USF support for small, rate-of-return carriers.

In addition, … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments on USF FNPRM and Tribal Plan”