WTA Supports Partial Stay of Broadband Privacy Order

This week, WTA met with the Wireline Competition Bureau at the FCC regarding industry’s request for a partial stay of the Broadband Privacy Order.  WTA emphasized that time is of the essence in granting the stay with a March 2 … Continue reading “WTA Supports Partial Stay of Broadband Privacy Order”

WTA Requests Temporary Waiver of March 1 HUBB Portal Filing Requirement

On February 17, WTA filed a petition for temporary waiver or extension of the HUBB Portal filing requirements for recipients of ACAM and CAF-BLS funding. WTA is under the impression that the requirements for filing broadband locations in the HUBB … Continue reading “WTA Requests Temporary Waiver of March 1 HUBB Portal Filing Requirement”

WTA Discusses USF Reform with FCC Wireline Competition Bureau, Commissioner O’Rielly’s Staff

On February 14, representatives from WTA and WTA member companies met with staff from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss fully funding the ACAM and rate-of-return paths of the High-Cost USF program. They also discussed the rate-of-return path competitive … Continue reading “WTA Discusses USF Reform with FCC Wireline Competition Bureau, Commissioner O’Rielly’s Staff”

WTA Files Comments Supporting Full Funding of ACAM and Rate-of-Return Mechanism

On February 13, WTA filed comments with the FCC seeking “full funding of the ACAM Path at the original August 3, 2016 support offers and associated build-out obligations for all entities that accepted the revised December 20, 2016 offers and … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments Supporting Full Funding of ACAM and Rate-of-Return Mechanism”

WTA Discusses USF Reforms with FCC Chairman’s Office

On February 10, representatives from WTA and its member companies met with Jay Schwartz, FCC Chairman Pai’s, wireline advisor to discussion broadband deployment in rural areas, advantages of fiber, and the need to fully fund both ACAM and the … Continue reading “WTA Discusses USF Reforms with FCC Chairman’s Office”

WTA Discusses E-rate and Broadband Availability and Affordability at the FCC

This week, WTA, ITTA, and USTelecom met with Wireline Competition Bureau staff, and the offices of Commissioner Ajit Pai and Commissioner Mike O’Rielly to urge the FCC to refrain from expanding the E-rate program for achieving High-Cost and Lifeline program … Continue reading “WTA Discusses E-rate and Broadband Availability and Affordability at the FCC”

WTA Urges FCC to Implement ACAM Before End of Year

On Dec. 8, WTA sent a letter to the FCC urging it to implement A-CAM “in whole or in part” by the end of 2016. WTA writes that “the numerous companies electing A-CAM support urge the Commission and Bureau to … Continue reading “WTA Urges FCC to Implement ACAM Before End of Year”