WTA and NTCA File Reply Comments on Call Completion

Today, WTA and NTCA filed joint reply comments in response to the FCC’s Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking reiterated their recommendation to keep the record keeping and reporting requirements at least until an effective replacement before a realistic, effective … Continue reading “WTA and NTCA File Reply Comments on Call Completion”

WTA Files Comments on Cramming and Slamming with FCC

On September 13, WTA filed comments in response to an FCC NPRM on slamming and cramming. In its comments, “WTA urges the Commission to consider additional consumer protection steps that will discourage slamming and cramming without impeding competition or imposing … Continue reading “WTA Files Comments on Cramming and Slamming with FCC”

WTA Supports USTelecom-NTCA USF Contributions Petition for Forbearance

Today, WTA filed comments with the FCC in support of NTCA and USTelecom’s Petition for Forbearance of the application of USF contribution requirements to broadband Internet access transmission services provided by RLECs. WTA argues that “such temporary forbearance should last … Continue reading “WTA Supports USTelecom-NTCA USF Contributions Petition for Forbearance”

WTA and NTCA File Comments on Call Completion

Today, WTA and NTCA filed joint comments in response to the FCC’s Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on call completion released in June. The Associations’ comments recommend that the FCC retain the current “record keeping and reporting requirements unless … Continue reading “WTA and NTCA File Comments on Call Completion”

WTA Files Reply Comments Regarding Toll-Free 8YY Services

On August 15, WTA filed reply comments in response to an FCC Public Notice asking parties to refresh the record regarding 8YY access reform. In its comments, WTA stated there is no need “for the Commission to jump precipitously into … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments Regarding Toll-Free 8YY Services”

WTA Files Reply Comments to Great Plains Waiver Petition

Today, WTA filed reply comments in the proceeding to evaluate the Petition for Waiver filed by Great Plains Communications. In its original filing, WTA expressed concerns that grant of Great Plains’ waiver petition, as well as the likely stream … Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments to Great Plains Waiver Petition”

WTA Files Response to Great Plains Petition for Waiver of Certain FCC Rules

On July 28, WTA filed comments in response to a Petition from Great Plains Communications asking for a waiver of particular FCC rules to permit it to utilize actual interstate switched access revenues in establishing rates and calculating revenues eligible … Continue reading “WTA Files Response to Great Plains Petition for Waiver of Certain FCC Rules”