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American Connection Project Seeks Engagement, Transparency and Accountability in NTIA Broadband Programs

On February 3, the American Connect Project, an initiative of which WTA is a participant, sent a letter to NTIA regarding the implementation of its recently-created broadband programs.  The letter emphasized the importance of communication, engagement, transparency, and accountability between … Continue reading “American Connection Project Seeks Engagement, Transparency and Accountability in NTIA Broadband Programs”

WTA Joins Industry and Public Interest Organizations in Asking for Extension of Time in Future of USF Proceeding

On December 20, WTA joined with other industry organizations and public interest groups in asking the FCC for a 30-day extension of the comment deadline and a 45-day extension of the reply comment deadline in the Future of USF proceeding.  … Continue reading “WTA Joins Industry and Public Interest Organizations in Asking for Extension of Time in Future of USF Proceeding”

WTA Supports Introduction of Legislation to Require FCC to Address USF Contributions Modernization

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Dec. 22, 2021) – WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband supports bipartisan legislation, H.R. 6314, introduced by Representative Joe Neguse (D-CO) and five of his colleagues in the House of Representatives that requires the FCC to complete a … Continue reading “WTA Supports Introduction of Legislation to Require FCC to Address USF Contributions Modernization”