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WTA Joins NECA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA in Filing Comments Regarding Separations Freeze

On April 19th, WTA and other organizations representing rural telecommunications companies recommended that the FCC freeze Part 36 category relationships and jurisdictional cost allocation factors.  The organizations recommended extending the freeze at least one year following issuance of Commission orders … Continue reading “WTA Joins NECA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA in Filing Comments Regarding Separations Freeze”

WTA Joins NTCA, OPASTCO, ITTA, ACA and USTelecom in Opposing Petition to Publicly Release Form 477 Data

On February 22nd, Free Press petitioned the FCC to allow it and the public to view the propriety data submitted in Form 477 by broadband providers.  On April 19th, WTA and the other organizations responded by opposing the petition due … Continue reading “WTA Joins NTCA, OPASTCO, ITTA, ACA and USTelecom in Opposing Petition to Publicly Release Form 477 Data”