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Senate Commerce Committee Holds Hearing on USF/ICC Reform

Yesterday, the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing entitled “Universal Service Reform-Bringing Broadband to All Americans” at which Shirley Bloomfield, CEO of NTCA, testified on behalf of the three rural associations.

Shirley Bloomfield’s testimony

Rural Association Press Release

Archived webcast Continue reading “Senate Commerce Committee Holds Hearing on USF/ICC Reform”

Hudson Institute Releases Study on Economic Impact of Universal Telecommunications Services

Today, the D.C.-based Hudson Institute released a study entitled The Economic Impact of Rural Telecommunications: The Greater Gains. The report finds:

– Rural telecommunications companies contributed $14.5 billion to the economies of the states in which they operated in 2009… Continue reading “Hudson Institute Releases Study on Economic Impact of Universal Telecommunications Services”

WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO Send Letters to Leadership of Agriculture Committees on RUS and Deficit Reduction

Today, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO sent letters (click here for an example) to the Leadership of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees requesting that in their upcoming recommendations to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction they remember … Continue reading “WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO Send Letters to Leadership of Agriculture Committees on RUS and Deficit Reduction”

Rural Telecom Associations Send Letters to Commerce Committees on USF and Deficit Reduction

Today, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO sent letters (click here for an example) to the Leadership of the Senate and House Commerce Committees requesting that in their upcoming recommendations to the Select Committee they include specific language outlining why … Continue reading “Rural Telecom Associations Send Letters to Commerce Committees on USF and Deficit Reduction”