Affordable Broadband Coalition, WTA Meet with Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s Staff on USF Contributions

On April 1, representatives from the Affordable Broadband Coalition, including staff from WTA, met with staff from FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s office to urge the FCC to not forebear from assessing broadband for contributions to USF in the event the FCC reclassifies broadband as a Title II service.

The group explained during the course of the meeting why forbearance from application of section 254(d) of the Communications Act is unnecessary and not supported by the record. Reclassification would not obligate the FCC to immediately begin assessing broadband for contributions to USF; the next step would be for the Commission to design a mechanism by which new contributors would participate. In the notice of ex parte, the group explained how past precedent provides two alternatives that are far less consequential than forbearance and provide more reasonable opportunities to consider whether and in what manner a contribution obligation should be implemented.