WTA Meets With Offices of Commissioners Clyburn and O’Rielly
On March 29, representatives from WTA and one of its member companies met with staff from the offices of Commissioners Clyburn and O’Rielly. In both meetings, WTA discussed:
- its desire to work with the FCC, considering the status of the Congressional CRA repealing the FCC’s 2016 Privacy Order, to restore aspects of that Order that reduced record keeping and reporting requirements for small ISPs;
- the elimination or deferral of the proposed increase in the local voice rate floor to $20 planned for this July;
- eliminating minimum service standards for Lifeline providers in instances where minimum standards might result in customers having no Lifeline options, restoring voice services to the Program, and modifying the port freeze;
- the FCC providing clarification regarding the treatment of exchange sales, transfers of control and mergers that take place between ACAM Path and RoR Path companies in the same state; and
- FCC action on petitions for waiver of Part 51 rules regarding CAF-ICC support submitted by RLECs acquiring exchanges or consolidating multiple study areas within the same state.
Notices of ex parte can be found below.
Meeting with Claude Aiken of Commissioner Clyburn’s office.
Meeting with Amy Bender of Commissioner O’Rielly’s office.