Rural Associations File Reply Comments on Call Completion FNPRM

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA and ERTA filed reply comments on the FCC’s Rural Completion FNPRM. The associations stated that:

  • Comments filed in response to the FNPRM make clear that it is highly premature for the FCC to revise the data retention and reporting requirements that have been imposed, but not yet implemented, by the Rural Call Completion Order.
  • The FCC should refrain from requiring separate reports of autodialer traffic since such reports would not produce useful information for the FCC.
  • The FCC should refrain from requiring RLECs to report incoming call answer rate data, given that companies do not typically have the information needed to compute such reports and make them useful.
  • The FCC should not initiate further proceedings to codify existing prohibitions against call blocking, choking and other unreasonable call completion practices, as doing so would likely delay and frustrate needed enforcement efforts.