
WTA Files Reply Comments in Support of Central Texas Telephone Co-op Waiver Petition

Today, WTA filed reply comments in support of Central Texas Telephone Cooperative’s request for waiver of the FCC’s regression model benchmarks that will limit the High Cost Loop Support the company receives.Continue reading “WTA Files Reply Comments in Support of Central Texas Telephone Co-op Waiver Petition”

Rural Associations Discuss Problems With QRA With FCC

On October 17th, NECA, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO held a conference call with the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss various interim and longer-term options for addressing concerns with respect to the regression analysis-based caps on universal service fund support. … Continue reading “Rural Associations Discuss Problems With QRA With FCC”

Letter to President Obama

Dear Mr. President:

Rural Telephone/Nex-Tech, Lenora, Kansas, is in the final months of completing its $101 million broadband expansion project in western Kansas, as a successful applicant in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) program. While we are proud … Continue reading “Letter to President Obama”

Rural Associations File Comments on Phase II of the CAF

On July 9th, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO filed comments in response to the FCC’s request for comment on model design and data inputs for Phase II of the Connect America Fund.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Phase II of the CAF”

WTA Meets with Chairman Genachowski’s Office, WCB, to Discuss USF/ICC Reform

On June 28th, representatives from WTA met with Chairman Genachowski’s Legal Advisor, Michael Steffen, and Patrick Halley from the Wireline Competition Bureau to discuss long-term issues surrounding USF and intercarrier compensation reform.  A notice of ex parte can be found … Continue reading “WTA Meets with Chairman Genachowski’s Office, WCB, to Discuss USF/ICC Reform”

USDA Meets with Chairman Genachowski

On May 31st, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and RUS Administrator Jonathan Adelstein met with Chairman Genachowski and his staff.  You can find the notice of ex parte here.… Continue reading “USDA Meets with Chairman Genachowski”

Rural Associations Urge Stay of Regression-Based Caps on USF Support

Unpredictable, Impenetrable and Imprecise Formulas Will Undermine Sustainable Rural Broadband, Fail to Serve the Goals of EncouragingEfficient Operations or Prudent Investment

WASHINGTON (May 25, 2012) – NTCA, OPASTCO, WTA and NECA filed an Application for Review and Petition for StayContinue reading “Rural Associations Urge Stay of Regression-Based Caps on USF Support”