WTA Supports Filing Requiring VNXX Calls To Pay Access Charges


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NTIA, RUS and FCC to Hold Public Meeting on Broadband Grant Programs

On March 10, 2009, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Rural Utilities Service (RUS), and the FCC will hold its first of several public meetings in connection with the broadband initiatives in the economic stimulus law.  The meeting will … Continue reading “NTIA, RUS and FCC to Hold Public Meeting on Broadband Grant Programs”

WTA and Others File Ex Parte on New Broadband Data Reporting Form 477

filingexpartebroadbanddataform477associations0206091Continue reading “WTA and Others File Ex Parte on New Broadband Data Reporting Form 477”

WTA Files Comments Supporting Extension of Time to Complete New Broadband Data Reporting Form 477

filingbroadbanddataform477wtafinal020609Continue reading “WTA Files Comments Supporting Extension of Time to Complete New Broadband Data Reporting Form 477”

WTA Supports Petition on DEM Weighting and LSS Clarification

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WTA and OPASTCO express strong opposition to the “Narrow Universal Service Reform Proposal” attached as Appendix B to the November 5, 2008, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

filingusfappendixboppositionopastcowtaexparte121808Continue reading “WTA and OPASTCO express strong opposition to the “Narrow Universal Service Reform Proposal” attached as Appendix B to the November 5, 2008, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking”