WTA Joins OPASTCO in Reply Comments on Close Captioning Proceeding

On December 9th, OPASTCO and WTA filed reply comments at the FCC in response to proceedings on close captioning requirements.  The associations reminded the FCC of the burdens of new requirements on closed captioning and how they would be disproportionately … Continue reading “WTA Joins OPASTCO in Reply Comments on Close Captioning Proceeding”

Small Video Providers Send Letter to FCC Regarding Comcast-NBCU Merger

On November 22, the American Cable Association, WTA, OPASTCO, NTCA, RICA and NRTC sent a letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski highlighting some of the problems the proposed merger of Comcast and NBC Universal poses to small video providers.… Continue reading “Small Video Providers Send Letter to FCC Regarding Comcast-NBCU Merger”

Rural Associations File Comments on Open Internet Proceeding

On October 12, WTA, NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA filed comments in response to a Public Notice regarding the FCC’s Open Internet Proceeding.  Specifically, the FCC sought further information on: (1) the relationship between open Internet protections and services that … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Open Internet Proceeding”

Rural Groups File Comments Critical of NBC/Comcast Merger

On August 19th, WTA joined NTCA and the FACT Coalition (made up of OPASTCO, NRTC and RICA) in filing additional comments opposing the proposed NBC/Comcast merger without eight conditions being met.… Continue reading “Rural Groups File Comments Critical of NBC/Comcast Merger”

Rural Associations File Comments on Pole Attachment Rule Changes

On August 16th, WTA joined NTCA, OPASTCO, and ERTA in filing comments at the FCC in regards to an Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on its rules regarding pole attachments.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Pole Attachment Rule Changes”

Rural Associations File Reply Comments on Set-Top Box Regulations

Today, WTA joined OPASTCO, NTCA, ITTA and RICA in filing reply comments at the FCC regarding its NOI on video set-top boxes.  Initial comments by the rural associations were filed on June 14th.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Reply Comments on Set-Top Box Regulations”

Rural Associations Reply to Comments on FCC’s Broadband Universal Service Reform Proceeding

On August 11th, WTA, NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA, and the Rural Alliance submitted reply comments to the FCC on its National Broadband Plan Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry.  41 State Associations concurred with the filing.  The group also … Continue reading “Rural Associations Reply to Comments on FCC’s Broadband Universal Service Reform Proceeding”