Rural Associations File Comments on Near-Term Intercarrier Compensation NPRM

Today, NECA, WTA, NTCA, OPASCTO, ERTA, the Rural Alliance and the Rural Broadband Alliance filed comments with the FCC addressing near term intercarrier compensation reform issues.  A related press release can be found here.… Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Near-Term Intercarrier Compensation NPRM”

Rural Groups File in Proceeding on Form 477

Today, OPASTCO, WTA and NTCA filed a joint response to the FCC’s NPRM on Form 477.  The associations wrote that the “Commission’s proposals would appreciably expand the scope of its Form 477 reporting requirements, significantly increasing the burden on small … Continue reading “Rural Groups File in Proceeding on Form 477”

Rural Groups File in Support of Extension of Separations Freeze

Today, WTA, NECA, NTCA, OPASTCO and ERTA submitted a filing to the FCC supporting an extension of the separations freeze for one year following the adoption of comprehensive ICC and USF reform rules.… Continue reading “Rural Groups File in Support of Extension of Separations Freeze”

Rural Associations File Comments on Rural Broadband Report

Today, NECA, WTA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA filed comments at the FCC in response to the Commission’s Public Notice requesting comment on how to update and evaluate the 2009 Rural Broadband Report in light of the many broadband-related developments since … Continue reading “Rural Associations File Comments on Rural Broadband Report”

Communications Industry Responds to FCC on Lifeline Rules

On February 15th, a diverse groups of communications associations and companies, including WTA, sent a letter to the FCC’s Wireline Bureau in response to the Bureau’s attempt to create new Lifeline rules without the benefit of a public rulemaking process.  … Continue reading “Communications Industry Responds to FCC on Lifeline Rules”

Rural Associations Meet with FCC on National Broadband Plan

On January 26, 2011, representatives of rural service providers met with Commission staff to discuss aspects of the National Broadband Plan, including the proposed Connect America Fund (CAF) and its interaction with a revised Universal Service Fund.  A copy of … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet with FCC on National Broadband Plan”

WTA, Allies File Comments on NBP Mobility Fund

On December 16, WTA, NECA, OPASTCO, NTCA and ERTA filed comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the creation of a Mobility Fund within USF.… Continue reading “WTA, Allies File Comments on NBP Mobility Fund”