FCC Releases Declaratory Ruling on Call Completion
Today, the FCC issued a Declaratory Ruling seeking to address the problems rural carrier have had with call completion.… Continue reading “FCC Releases Declaratory Ruling on Call Completion”
Today, the FCC issued a Declaratory Ruling seeking to address the problems rural carrier have had with call completion.… Continue reading “FCC Releases Declaratory Ruling on Call Completion”
Today, RUS Assistant Administrator David Villano posted a letter on the agency’s webpage discussing new requirements for loan applicants for the current fiscal year.… Continue reading “RUS Posts Letter to Potential Borrowers”
Today, NTCA, WTA and OPASTCO sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who’s also the Chair of the White House Rural Council, regarding the FCC’s Order and FNPRM. The associations write that the FCC’s actions “threaten the sustainability of … Continue reading “Rural Associations Send Letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack Regarding FCC Reforms”
The document can be found here.… Continue reading “FCC Releases Report and Order and NPRM on USF/ICC Reform”
On October 21st, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO sent a letter to President Barack Obama expressing concerns that the FCC may not share his same commitments to “ensure that every American has a broadband connection and can benefit from the economic, … Continue reading “Rural Associations Send Letter to President Obama”
On October 20th, WTA, NTCA, and OPASTCO met with FCC Chairman Genachowski and “discussed implementation of USF and ICC reforms consistent with the plan filed by a number of national, regional, and state associations on April 18, 2011, as updated … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet with Chairman Genachowski”
On October 20th, RUS Administrator Jonathan Adelstein sent a letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski asking the FCC to adopt a waiver process for “those who have prudently, in good faith with government oversight, under current USF rules” when devising it’s … Continue reading “RUS Administrator Adelstein Encourages FCC to Adopt Waiver for RUS Borrowers”
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