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WTA Cancels its 2020 Fall Educational Forum out of the Safety Concerns for its Members and Staff

Over the past couple of weeks, WTA’s leadership has closely monitored the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), news reports, as well as information provided by the Idaho Health Department and other expert sources regarding … Continue reading “WTA Cancels its 2020 Fall Educational Forum out of the Safety Concerns for its Members and Staff”

ILEC Industry Tells Congress Not to Alter RDOF to Remove ETC Requirement

In a letter signed by WTA, USTelecom, and NTCA sent to Congress today, the associations expressed “deep concern with proposed legislation to prospectively eliminate the eligible telecommunication carrier (ETC) designation for certain broadband providers seeking to compete for funding through … Continue reading “ILEC Industry Tells Congress Not to Alter RDOF to Remove ETC Requirement”