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Wireless Sector Inflates USF Growth Wireline growth steady or decreased in recent years Arlington, Va. (March 16, 2007) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced yesterday it is increasing the Universal Service Fund contribution rate from 9% to 11.7%. One reason for this significant increase is due to the growth in the number of wireless carriers receiving funds from the USF.
March 20, 2007 in Uncategorized /by adminView PDF 032007… Continue reading “Wireless Sector Inflates USF Growth Wireline growth steady or decreased in recent years Arlington, Va. (March 16, 2007) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced yesterday it is increasing the Universal Service Fund contribution rate from 9% to 11.7%. One reason for this significant increase is due to the growth in the number of wireless carriers receiving funds from the USF.”
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