About admin
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Adelstein to Speak at WTA Fall Annual Meeting
June 26, 2008 in Announcements, WTA News /by adminFCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein has accepted WTA’s invitation to be a featured speaker at the association’s fall meeting in Seattle. Commissioner Adelstein will speak on Tuesday, September 9th during which he will share his views on a number of issues … Continue reading “Adelstein to Speak at WTA Fall Annual Meeting”
OPASTCO-WTA 2008 Legislative and Regulatory Briefing Papers.
May 20, 2008 in Filing /by adminContact
WTA Headquarters
PO Box 7207, Helena, MT 59604
Call 406-443-6377
D.C. Office
400 Seventh Street, NW, Suite 406
Washington, DC 20004
Call 202-548-0202