About admin
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud admin contributed a whooping 334 entries.
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Rural Associations Issue Statement on FCC Vote
October 27, 2011 in Press Release /by adminToday, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO issued a statement to the media in response to the FCC’s vote to approve a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on USF and intercarrier compensation.
The FCC has also issued a … Continue reading “Rural Associations Issue Statement on FCC Vote”
Rural Associations Send Letter to President Obama
October 24, 2011 in Announcements /by adminOn October 21st, WTA, NTCA and OPASTCO sent a letter to President Barack Obama expressing concerns that the FCC may not share his same commitments to “ensure that every American has a broadband connection and can benefit from the economic, … Continue reading “Rural Associations Send Letter to President Obama”
Rural Associations Meet with Chairman Genachowski
October 24, 2011 in Announcements /by adminOn October 20th, WTA, NTCA, and OPASTCO met with FCC Chairman Genachowski and “discussed implementation of USF and ICC reforms consistent with the plan filed by a number of national, regional, and state associations on April 18, 2011, as updated … Continue reading “Rural Associations Meet with Chairman Genachowski”
RUS Administrator Adelstein Encourages FCC to Adopt Waiver for RUS Borrowers
October 24, 2011 in Announcements /by adminOn October 20th, RUS Administrator Jonathan Adelstein sent a letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski asking the FCC to adopt a waiver process for “those who have prudently, in good faith with government oversight, under current USF rules” when devising it’s … Continue reading “RUS Administrator Adelstein Encourages FCC to Adopt Waiver for RUS Borrowers”
13 State Associations Support Consensus Framework
October 21, 2011 in Filing /by adminOn October 19th, 13 state telco associations wrote to the FCC in support of the industry Consensus Framework. They write that “it is of importance that the Rural Plan portion of the Industry Consensus Framework not only proactively addresses universal … Continue reading “13 State Associations Support Consensus Framework”
WTA, Rural Allies Meet With FCC on USF Reform
October 20, 2011 in Filing /by adminThis week, representatives from WTA, NTCA, OPASTCO and NECA met with Wireline Bureau and FCC Commissioner staff on several occasions to relay our concerns about the proposed Order due for a vote at the end of the month. The notices … Continue reading “WTA, Rural Allies Meet With FCC on USF Reform”
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