WTA Supports Delay in Network Testing and Hopes FCC Will Address Problems in Testing Regime Should They Materialize
WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 25, 2019) – This morning, the FCC approved an Order on Reconsideration regarding its network performance testing rules approved last year. WTA was one of several entities that asked the FCC to revise its testing regime. The following statement can be attributed to Derrick Owens:
“WTA strongly supports accountability in the use of Universal Service Fund support and the goal of testing networks for speed and latency. However, we want to make sure that testing is tailored to the size of the carrier and the USF-supported network.
“We appreciate that the FCC has chosen to delay testing for the smaller carriers we represent and institute a one-year pre-test period. If carriers encounter problems with the testing rules during this period and report them to the FCC, we hope that the FCC will adjust its testing procedures accordingly.”