The WTA Executive Committee is delegated the powers and the authority of the full board when the board is not in session; deal with emergencies that require immediate attention; oversee the development of the Association’s budget and financial position of the Association; oversee audits; develop the membership dues structure; and oversee the WTA Foundation, Inc.
Pat McElroy (Vice President) | Northeast Nebraska Telephone | Nebraska
Matt Johnson (Vice President) | Shawnee Communications | Illinois
Jason Williams (Secretary/Treasurer) | Blackfoot | Montana
Jimmy Todd (President) | Nex-Tech | Kansas
Kelly Worthington (Executive Vice President) | WTA
Derrick Owens (Senior VP of Government & Industry Affairs) | WTA
Michael Burke | Matanuska Telecom Association, Inc. | Alaska
Kristi Lee | Valley TeleCom Group | Arizona
Kent Schimke | Dickey Rural Networks | North Dakota
David Shipley | Highlane | Colorado
Rick Vitzthum | Tenino Telephone Company | Washington
Eric Votaw | Varcomm | California
Jack Keen | Emeritus
Mark Gailey | Totah Communications | PPC Co-Chair