WTA’s Educational Planning Committee Seeks Session Topics and Speakers for 2025 Educational Forums

WTA’s Educational Planning Committee invites you to share your knowledge and expertise with the attendees at the 2025 WTA Spring Forum, April 13-16, 2025, Miramar Beach, FL & the Fall Educational Forum, October 5-8, 2025, Kauai, HI. WTA has always offered a remarkable lineup of education and networking opportunities targeting the needs and concerns of the WTA membership.


The deadlines for submitting session proposals for the Spring Educational Forum is December 2, 2024 and the Fall Educational Forum is April 30, 2025. All proposals must be submitted through the 2025 Educational Session Submission link. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. A separate proposal must be submitted for each proposed session. Proposals need to include the following: title of session, intended audience, subject area (ie: technical, broadband, management, legislative, accounting, etc.), summary of session, 3-5 key objectives/outcomes that attendees will learn from session, presenter’s biography (paragraph under 100 words) and most recent speaking engagement(s).


WTA Associate Members may submit session proposals; however, all proposals must be submitted by the deadline. The following core criteria will be used to review proposals: preference will be given to associate members sponsoring WTA’s 2025 Educational Forums (sponsorship will not guarantee a session); associate members must be in good standing; timeliness of subject matter; topic has practical applications; clear, focused, and well-organized proposal; presenter’s qualifications; presentation strategies; presentation’s overall quality, and references from other speaking engagements. WTA reserves the right to request modifications to a proposal before final selections are made. WTA will contact you if your session has been selected.


The audience will consist of general managers, directors, presidents, managers, and decision-makers from WTA’s national membership. Attendees are experienced and knowledgeable. They require and expect education that provides the most current information and the highest quality of expertise.


Because session presenters typically come from the suppliers/vendors/members, speakers are required to register appropriately for the meeting. Unfortunately, conference registration is not covered or reimbursed, nor does WTA pay speaker fees or provide reimbursement for travel expenses. A limited number of hotel rooms are being held for speakers. If a speaker needs a reservation, they must contact Taylor Myers (taylor@w-t-a.org) for reservations and guarantee the reservation with a credit card. Please be aware that speakers are not guaranteed a room in the hotel, hotel rooms are based upon availability. If you are responsible for a panel, do not assume we will cover the cost of the speakers you invite!


Attendees are seeking valuable education content and are always critical of presenters or sessions that are self-promotional. We cannot emphasize enough that presentations should only advance the educational process. Our policy therefore obliges presenters to refrain from using meeting session as a format for commercial sales pitches, self-promotion, or unwarranted criticism of a competitor. Speakers are not permitted to distribute company promotional literature, brochures, or sales materials in any form to attendees during their session, unless promotional piece has prior approval from WTA and is necessary for the presentation. WTA will not be responsible for printing or providing speaker materials for the presentation. WTA will post all presentations on the WTA website at the conclusion of the Meeting, unless the presenter request in writing, that the presentation not be made available on the WTA website.